Thursday, February 06, 2003

I went to a computer workshop today to learn how to do PageMaker. It was extremely helpful! I thought that I was only gonig to be able to use it for work, but as it progressed I realized how much it has to do with advertising. It all came so easily to me and on the final project we did to get familiar with the program, the instructor praised it furtively, applauding my use of white space and clean balance. Hooray! Maybe I AM meant to be an advertiser: an art director or even a web site editor. Even if I can't get into a UT sequence, I know someone will want my talents somewhere, someday. I'm beginning to become excited about my future once again. I have new things to look forward to. I'm also planning on taking a Photoshop workshop sometime soon since I know it's an important program to computer design. *sshoo*

Salsa and swing are the coolest! Everything I learned is being refreshed and I feel so cool cause I know what's going on and I make people smile when I do a good job. Even IF I don't have a partner right away, they learn to regret it.

A shout out to my boy Ricky: (what color am I again? heh)
Thanks for mentioning how it looked like I had lost weight and you had to look twice to make sure it was me! It boosted my esteem level at least 30% yesterday!

Going home for the weekend. Softball practice Sunday: too excited to express in words!

Sunday, February 02, 2003

So this my weekend in a nutshell:

Friday: hung out at Therese's house with Therese, Amy, Melissa and Lauren

came back home to go to bed early for the AM kickboxing on Saturday

talked to Ricky and Druck for about 1/2 hr.



AM kickboxing at 10

came home and psyched myself up to get a tattoo

called the guy who told me to come in at 10 pm

did nothing for hours

got lonely

called the guy again on advisement of melissa to see how much it was going to be, told me he couldn't see me that night

went downtown with Melissa to check out tattoo places

found a tattoo I liked, but didn't get it

went to the movies at Dobie at midnight to see The Hours (see my film review coming soon)

came home and went to sleep


woke up around 11:30 after going to bed at 3

ate breakfast

went to softball practice, had a blast, i missed it so much

came home and tried to study

decided dinner was more fun than studying, so I invited Will to eat with me since everyone else was gone

made some fantastic chicken that I'm still patting myself on the back for...we're still breathing and kicking so I must have done pretty ok

still trying to study for my test tomorrow

As you can see, I'm writing my weekend on my blog. This test is probably going to be bombed since I'm doing other things, so wish me luck that I'll know everything about marketing because it's common sense. Thanks! Have a good week everyone!
