Thursday, May 30, 2002

another restless night...makes you appreciate those lonely nights when there's not someone there to hog the bed, the sheets and the, i worked so hard today...UT doesn't pay me enough money if i'm gonna feel like doo doo know what would make my semester though? GETTING INTO ADVERTISING!!! hellz yeah

Wednesday, May 29, 2002

i had this dream last night...i was at a video store with some friends and i kinda flirted with the guy behind the counter. he thought i wanted him for real and when he saw me kiss philip he got really angry and started chasing me. so he wouldn't leave me alone and i didn't know if he was going to kill me or what and then something woke me up. the scary thing is...I didn't know i was dreaming til i woke up...i thought it was real. spOOky!

Tuesday, May 28, 2002

yeah so it was a long day at work, but i'm getting paid. and that's all that matters. do you get the feeling sometimes you don't mean as much to people as they mean to you. also, have you ever felt like you were excluded from certain things with certain people on purpose? kinda funny how things work like that. even if it isn't so, it kinda makes you wonder about why you weren't told about something.....

Monday, May 27, 2002

bout dizamn time, but I finally got comments on my blog. please feel free to comment on all my venting. Thank you and have a nice day!

Sunday, May 26, 2002


yeah i just want the comments to work