I started my "Fit to Fight" program at kickboxing. It's non-stop actions, punching bags, having the instructor whale on you, it's great. You get like minute breaks in between working out in full gear, helmet, shin guards, the WORKS. It's so fun though, cause you feel so cool working out like that in front of everyone. It's a hard workout, but I'm loving it. I might actually consider competing....stay tuned.
On another note, I shipped the feather bed today and claimed my money from Pay Pal. Not much else exciting going on, except that I have a million things due this week and I haven't started but 1 of them. OH! I turned in all my study abroad stuff to the affiliate today. I swear I walked 2 miles today, or at least it felt like it. For all you UT studs, I walked from the UTC to Dobie, stopped off at Jamba Juice on Guadalupe, to ISA on 24th (just after University Towers) then all the way to the East Mall, got on DF, then walked from the bus stop (where my rock is) to work. OY! I had an hour's workout and I wasn't even trying! If you're ever looking for a good cardio trip, take that route. No shuttle cheating!
Ok, ok I better go make my card for my stats quiz tomorrow. So much work, so little time, so few men. Well, maybe not so few men, I can never tell these days ;) Laters y'all! Adios.